Non-Alcoholic Beverages Spike in “Dry January”

The first of the year comes with many new years resolutions, and a very frequent one is abstaining from alcohol consumption for the ‘sober curious’ at least during dry January. This trend is growing with some prominent pace as almost a fifth of adults plan to participate, which is up from 13% the year previous. This is leading to a growing market in non-alcoholic beverages, which was very limited just a few years ago. Brands like Surely are hoping they can help people scale back on consumption without turning hands in the way people mitigate sugar intake. However, what’s most interesting is that the lion’s share of consumers of non-alcoholic beverages like Ghia and Surely are moderate consumers of alcohol which means they are pulling those away from normal alcohol consumption. Dry January is a particularly fruitful time of year for these brands as Ghia saw a 40% uptick in customers with a strong return rate in January of 2021.